Good morning guys,
How about getting to know the interior of Rio de Janeiro, more precisely the Vale do Café.
Vale do Café is the tourist name of 15 municipalities in the Vale do Paraíba region of Sul Fluminense, about 120 kilometers from the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They are: Vassouras, Valença, Rio das Flores, Piraí, Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin, Paty do Alferes, Paracambi, Miguel Pereira, Mendes, Barra do Piraí, Pinheiral, Barra Mansa, Rio Claro, Paraíba do Sul and Volta Redonda, of which , It produced 75% of the coffee consumed in the world in the 1860s and guaranteed Brazil the world leadership in the production and export of coffee. Today, around 30 of these farms are open to tourists.
Vale do Café is a tourist attraction under development with the aim of becoming a regional tourist hub. In order to increase economic activity in the region. The current owners of the farm have been working together and with the support of entities such as Instituto Preservale, IPHAN (Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional) and Sebrae (Support Service for Micro and Small Companies in Brazil), to preserve and disseminate this historical heritage. .
The governing body of Vale do Café is called CitVale, which has been in operation since 2019 and has representatives from 15 municipalities, official representatives of Vale do Café.
Over time, the entire Paraíba Valley was marked as a non-profit area, heirs of slave societies and promoting the cutting down of native forest in the Atlantic Forest massif for the cultivation of coffee. However, this same society, in the 19th century, contributed to the development of Brazil on the world stage as the world’s largest producer and exporter of coffee. Economically, the coffee cycle is more significant than the gold cycle, which was very popularized. Although deforestation took place, it promoted the economic development of the country at the time.
Currently, regions in the interior of Rio de Janeiro, have farms that are open for visitation.
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